FileDate Crack Activation Free Download [32|64bit]

FileDate Crack Serial Number Full Torrent [32|64bit] > FileDate Crack Free Download.exe test_file.txt - Looks at a file to see what its last access > time, creation time and last write time are. > > /[ACWS] > > [ACWS] = auto change last write time > > test_file.txt > > > Usage > -------------------- > Format: FileDate Free Download.exe /[ACWS] ref_file [test_file] > > Examples: > Format: FileDate Activation Code.exe test_file.txt > > Results: > test_file.txt > Last write time: > 12/18/2007 10:50:36 AM > Last access time: > 12/18/2007 10:50:36 AM > Creation time: > 12/18/2007 10:51:07 AM > > Format: FileDate Free Download.exe test_file.txt - This will automatically change the last write > time for test_file.txt to 12/18/2007 10:51:07 AM > > > ********************************************************** > > ********************************************************** > > FileDate Free Download Version History > -------------------- > Version 3.0: > > New GUI and Online Help > -------------------------------------------------------- > A new GUI was added to the program to make this program more > user friendly. All you have to do is enter the name of the > file and it will display the last write time, last access > time, creation time and file size. > > Note that with the new GUI you don't have to enter the full path > of the file. > > NOTE: To use the new GUI with the old menu interface. Go into > the directory of the EXE file (or the directory where it is > installed) and go into the installation directory. Edit the > MENU.INI file and change the menu command to "FileDate" and > also change the "General" section to reflect the new path of > the program. > > FileDate 3.0 Tutorial > --------------------------------------------- > > > Version 2.0 > > Program changed to be a command line program (to use a GUI > you still need a Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista client). > > New GUI and Online FileDate Crack + [April-2022] ------------------ rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:50 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:50 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:55 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:55 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:56 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:56 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:57 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:57 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:58 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 08:58 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:00 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:00 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:01 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:01 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:02 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:02 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:03 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:03 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:04 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:04 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:05 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:05 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:06 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:06 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:07 AM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:07 PM rclh03/mdir 2018/07/23 09:08 AM rcl 1a423ce670 FileDate Crack+ With Full Keygen Free [Mac/Win] ACWS = Last Access, Creation, Last Write (defaut), Size (previous '-') REF_FILE = Reference file TEST_FILE = File to be analyzed (previous '-') This command line utility can be used as an argument to the main command line tool: - /[ACWS] [filename] [filename] or it can be used as a parameter to the command line utilities: - /[ACWS] [/p] [filename] [/p] EXAMPLE: file_d is a command line utility to display the dates of a file. This utility is a part of the "easy file_managment" command line tool. file_d [filename] If no parameters are passed, the following files are displayed: file_d If a file is passed as a parameter, the following parameters are available: /p => File will be displayed in all details (ACWS, CWS, W, Size...) /n => File will be displayed without details (ACWS, CWS, W, Size...) /x => Filename will be displayed /r => Reference filename /t => Test filename /m => Month of reference file /d => Day of reference file /y => Year of reference file COMMANDS /[ACWS] /c => Lists the file contents /[ACWS] /s => Lists the file sizes /[ACWS] /t => List date and time of the last modification /[ACWS] /m => List date and time of the last modification /[ACWS] /d => List date and time of the last modification /[ACWS] /y => List date and time of the last modification /[ACWS] /p => Will list all the details on all the files /[ACWS] /n => Will list only the last modification date and time /[ACWS] /x => Will list only the filename /[ACWS] /r => Will list only the reference file /[ACWS] /t => Will list only the test filename /[ACWS] /m => Will list only the month of the reference file /[ACWS] /d => Will list only the day of the reference file /[ACWS] /y => Will list only the year of the reference file / What's New In? System Requirements: OS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 (64-bit) Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent Memory: 2 GB Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or equivalent DirectX: Version 9.0 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 700 MB available space Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 compliant Screenshots: What's New in Version 4.3.3: * Fixed the dark frame area in certain monitors and certain
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